I am very fortunate to have the responsibility of developing and leading a team of dedicated business coaches that to help people discover the American dream of successful business development and ownership. Looking back over a successful career as a corporate executive serving the healthcare and manufacturing industries, I believe today’s corporate business environment has changed substantially and does not offer the same security or opportunities that it once did. For those displaced or disenfranchised by the “New Economy” I also believe that individuals are better served by taking control of their own destiny through business development and ownership. Our job is to ensure your success.
I have spent my professional career in senior sales and marketing positions building successful businesses while at American Hospital Supply, Baxter Healthcare and VWR International. I also turned around a failing company, achieving market share leadership by developing and marketing manufactured goods to the industrial laboratory and production environments through international and regional distribution channels.
Prior to becoming an area developer with FranchisEsource Brands International (FSBI), I opened a start-up distribution business. This experience as an entrepreneur has fueled my interest in sharing the benefits of business development and ownership with others, however the statistics are grim. Start up failure rates are staggering, and few of us have the nerves, stamina or resolve for this approach. Backed by a success rate of 95% I can confidently share with you that participating in developing and or owning a franchise puts the dream of being an entrepreneur in every ones reach. Secure in the notion that actions speak lauder then words, I have joined the best in the business! The high performance business models and exceptional process developed implemented by FSBI empowers us to transition from traditional employment to achieving our dreams of Income, Lifestyle, Wealth and Equity.
I graduated on Dean’s List and was inducted into the membership of “Beta Gama Sigma” and Alpha Sigma Lambda majoring in Corporate Finance with dual minors in Management, and Economics at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst Campus.
Today, as an area developer and business coach growing a team of professional business coaches in the Pennsylvania market, I’m looking for people in career transition who want to help people find the right business investment and/or work with existing businesses to increase performance.
Below is a brief description of available positions:
The Entrepreneur’s Source is North America’s leading career and business coaching company offering a full range of services to individuals seeking alternate career options and to small-to-medium size companies looking to increase performance.
AdviCoach business coaches provide relationship-based business coaching and advisory services to new and established business owners;
Business Partner Marketing Coach works with businesses, large and small across all sectors, as a one stop marketing resource; and,
Expense Reduction Consultants offer a sophisticated cost reduction process to all size businesses generating significant savings for corporate clients across many industries.